

Children’s Ministry

Under the leadership of Barbara Cadman and Brittany Turpin

  • Meet at 9:45AM in the Children’s Building
  • Hands on study of the Bible
  • Light breakfast served

For our children that attend Worship we have “Worship Bags” that are provided for their use during the Worship hour.  Items in our bags are changed weekly to capture imagination and attention.

Holding a hymnal, watching fellow worshipers, praying with family…all of this is a learning process and worship. We believe that it important for families to worship together.

Women’s Ministry

Women’s Bible study Under the leadership of Vicki Powers, this group meets on Sunday nights at 5PM in the Fellowship Hall.  We have been walking through the Old Testament to gain a deeper knowledge of God’s words. If anyone is interested, contact us at 979-234-2571 or email

Adult Mixed Class

Mixed Adult Class meet Sunday mornings at 9:50AM in the Fellowship Hall and enjoy a light breakfast with coffee.